Hi everyone!
I know we haven't posted in a long time! It's summer and life does get busy! Me and Tesh spent 10 days in
Jamaica this summer serving at YWAM Montego Bay with our youth group. It was definitely an emotional experience... Coming home from that has been quite difficult as well. We came home to hear of many accidents that happened while we were gone or happened around the time we got home. It's heartbreaking to hear of all the people that have passed away. There were a few of them that were our age. This makes me think of how things can change within a moment. They can change for the better or for the worse. With Tesh & Brae day,
we can change things for the better! The amount of
joy you can bring to someone through one little act of kindness is amazing! I've seen so many posts on facebook or people have come up to me telling me about notes they've gotten on their windshield or when they were given something for free just because! With all of the sad and evil things in this world, I find hope in the little things! I know that Tesh & Brae day isn't the cause of all of this. There is a lot more love in the world now! Me and Tesh just got a message from someone who had recently lost two loved ones. Even though she is grieving, she still wants to give us money to help others! What an
inspiration!! You can do things for others even when you want to just give up. I don't know about you, but I wish there were more people like this in the world! Sometimes I try to imagine the world if everyone loved instead of hated, were thoughtful instead of thoughtless, selfless instead of selfish. This earth would be the most beautiful thing ever! So many days I wish and pray for the day when this would all change and the devil would just give up the fight! By doing Tesh & Brae day, even just once a week, we can start to change things! If two less people were hateful, thoughtless and selfish wouldn't life be that much better?? If we can change things by blessing people once a week, I
never want to stop! I'm sure you will feel the same way if you start blessing people! This post may not make sense to you but it is what was on my heart! I just want to encourage you to start looking for ways to bless others! Lets change this world for good! <3
God bless!
View from our base! Soooo beautiful! |
Doctor's Cave Beach! |
Tesh and I just loving life! |
Coming home... bittersweet |
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